Introducing Erasmus+ Project CUMILA

von | Feb 5, 2021 | Cumila-Projekt | 0 Kommentare

In the first quarter of this century, digital media has been consolidated as an essential part of everyday life. The digital world presumably presents many advantages and opportunities nonetheless, it also carriers risks and threats we were not used to. In the age of fake news, disinformation, algorithms, artificial intelligence, ubiquitous learning, social networks, etc. it is essential to understand the operating principles and mechanisms of the Internet and media to safely navigate the Internet environment and take informed decisions. 

The European Union is aware of such risks and points media literacy as the fundamental weapon to fight them. In this sense, the European Union has been forced to build a European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp 2.0.) and to include media literacy among the European priorities. Likewise, the recently revised Audio-visual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) strengthens the role of media literacy. The AVMSD not only encourages but also requires Member States to promote and take measures for the development of media literacy skills (Article 33a). 

Accordingly, the Erasmus+ KA2 project „Curriculum Guide of Media and Information Literacy for Adults“ attempts to define the requisite knowledge and competencies to reach digital maturity that is using the digital world in a self-determined and self-dependent way. Additionally, the project aims to provide a guideline for educational institutions, so they can apply it when defining their trainings and further education. This will allow assuring a comparable training across Europe. 

Educators will increase their skills and competences by learning about topics related to digital inclusion, digital citizenship, and media power. We do not merely seek the ability to use ICT tools but also the ability to use technology in an intelligent and conscious way. 

Following are the outputs that will be developed within the project:

  • Curriculum guide of media and information literacy for adults: This curriculum will address 5 areas of the digital competence: information and data literacy, communication and collaboration, digital content creation, safety and problem solving. The competences will be described on a high level. It will be developed a learning plan, which describes concrete learning content. 
  • Handbook for trainers: It will define the concrete learning units and provide sample exercises, suggested learning methods and references to additional material and documents. It will help trainers to organise trainings and workshops. 
  • Online courses: It aims at facilitating that trainers acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. The online materials developed will be able to be re-used and adapted. Not only an online course will be created but also a platform that will be easily updated. 

To sum up, the expected result of this project is twofold: firstly, to help adults acquire digital competences necessary to manage in the digital world and secondly, to set the developed curriculum in the european framework.

Do not hesitate to contact us to collaborate, test or use the materials. 

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