Communication in social media

by | Jun 16, 2020 | Media literacy | 0 comments

“You cannot not communicate.” (Paul Watzlawick) [1]

Communication is what connects us humans. The need for communication is primarily driven by the need to pass on information and to collect information. Spreading information, faster and more effectively, has been tried by people since ancient times and is now used to it.

In the preparation of the “Communication & Collaboration” chapter, the first sub-chapter focuses on computer-mediated communication in the private as well as in the professional area. Areas such as e-mail, chat, forums, tele- and computer conferences, Internet telephony, social media etc. are primarily discussed and with them the change in social relationships is highlighted. [2]

The main challenges for users are the existence of an awareness of how forms of communication work in interpersonal conversations and which factors influence communication. In the analog world, we have learned how important verbal and non-verbal communication are. Whereby the non-verbal most determines the communication. According to the iceberg model and pareto principle, non-verbal behavior determines approximately 80% of our communication. Other researchers believe that this percentage is still too low, but overall it can be said that non-verbal communication affects our communication the most. However, this form of communication does not take place in digital, asynchronous communication. [3] But how do you communicate when this communication (facial expressions, gestures, etc.) make up?

The network language increasingly uses many non-verbal elements of the spoken language, emotions are often represented by action words, small graphics or sounds. However, it is still important, especially in an entrepreneurial environment, to adhere to certain formal rules in text-based communication.

Regardless of whether you write something in e-mails, forums, chats, blogs or on social networks: The “netiquette” is the golden rule of conduct. This means an appropriate, respectful behavior in technical communication. You should never forget that there is a human on the other side! The goal is a kind that is as pleasant as possible for everyone and that adheres to certain standards.

[1] Paul Watzlawick, Janet H. Beavin, Don D. Jackson. Menschliche Kommunikation. Huber Bern Stuttgart Wien 1969, 2.24 S. 53

[2] Carola Schwalm, Globale Kommunikation. Der Wandel soziale Beziehungen durch die Kommunikation in Computernetzwerken. Berlin 1998. Seite 33.

[3] Mario Grabner, Nonverbale Kommunikation – Ein Guide für Einsteiger.Verfügbar unter:, zuletzt aufgerufen am 10.01.2020

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