Partner presentation: Medienkompetenz Team (GER)

by | May 17, 2020 | Cumila-Project | 0 comments

We like to introduce the partners of the project consortium. Today we present our german partner:

Medienkompetenz Team e.V. (MKT) is a non-profit association located in Karlsruhe, Germany, with the goal to raise the level of media literacy in general public – especially in terms of important main topics like privacy, data protection and promotion of all required competences of the digitalization. Today, MKT provides trainings, presentations and workshops for children and young people, students, teachers, parents and all interested persons. MKT covers all topics related to digitalisation and digital transformation.

The association works closely together with the municipality child and youth welfare office – which is also a member of the association.

The MKT focusses on different areas:

  • Projects in schools imparting knowledge about the digital world and digital life
  • Trainings, support and recommendations for actions for parents and adults
  • Networking and partnering with local and national institutions and organisations

Beside this groundwork, the MKT has initiated and executed a wide range of other projects:

Currently the MKT members work honorary and are mainly from the free economy – with a strong focus on IT-business in areas of hosting industry, product management and social media – but the team also has access to trained educators, social competency trainers and motivated students; the MKT has a broad and significant practical experience.

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