Welcome to the CUMILA project
Curriculum Guide of Media and Information Literacy for Adults
Welcome to the home of the CUMILA.EU project.
Digital media has become integral part of everyday life. Besides the many advantages and opportunities, the digital world carries risks and threats. In the age of smartphones, social media, fake news and disinformation, it is essential to understand the functional principles and mechanisms of the internet and digital media.
CUMILA offers a media and information literacy training curriculum for adults. Adults must learn how to use the digital world in a self-determined and self dependent way. Therefore the curriculum defines the requisite knowledge and competences to reach a certain level of digital maturity.
CUMILA is for everyone. Teachers in the field of vocational and adult education will find the necessary content to design their own learning units. Interested people will find enough material to acquire the necessary knowledge on their own. And because parents face special challenges in raising their children, CUMILA offers a separate module exclusively for parents.
The project is implemented under the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Union and all materials are free to use. To better evaluate the success of the project, please let us know if you use CUMILA materials. Feedback, comments and suggestions for improvement are also welcome. If you are interested in participating (e.g. by publishing your own learning units via the CUMILA platform), just get in touch with us.
The three pillars of CUMILA
The core of the project is a sample curriculum that serves as a basis and orientation for setting up one’s own courses or organising self-study. The curriculum builds on the individual building blocks of the CUMILA project:
Everything you need to know is documented in manuals. For a better overview, the complex subject area has been divided into a total of 6 independent modules. Each module has its own document in which all important knowledge of the respective subject area is explained. The modules are suitable for self-study as well as for the preparation of own teaching materials.
For each subject area, there are individual learning units and teaching materials that are freely available. Teachers can use them to organise their own teaching units. For a better overview, there is a syllabus that serves as a basis and orientation. All learning materials are organised in a wiki system. Those who wish are welcome to make their own learning materials available via the system.
Last but not least, an interactive e-learning is created within the framework of the project on the basis of the individual modules. This will be made available on this website after completion and can be used by everyone.
Are you using CUMILA?
We are looking for testimonials from people or organisations who use or have used CUMILA materials. Interested in a short interview? Then please contact us directly.
Latest blog posts
The 6 Modules
Everything you need to know is written down in individual manuals. Divided into 6 main topics, you will find all the knowledge you need for your own media literacy.
The Cumila Wiki
The wiki system is the heart of the project. ‘It contains the module manuals for download as well as learning materials and teaching units for all modules.
The Partners
Learn more about the partner consortium of the CUMILA project. Get to know the 3 project partners from acrosse Europe (Germany, Spain and Austria)
Call for contribution!
The CUMILA Wiki is not a one-way street. You are welcome to contribute your own learning materials and lessons. Support CUMILA by contributing to the project.

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